eBay Premium Theme Package

Suitable for:

  • Established Sellers with larger product ranges.
  • Sellers with recognised branding, or those who are building a brand.
  • Sellers offering a range of branded products.
  • Sellers who are serious about managing their eBay product range and cross-promotions to grow sales.

What’s Included?

Website-style shop design layouts

Choice of 7 layouts options

Graphic banner design

Preferred colour scheme

Matching Category Banner

Cross promotion functionality
(Featured Items/New Arrivals)
in shop design

Footer design with page links

Cross promotion functionality in listing designs

eBay Store Page Links

Promotion Boxes (up to 3)

Image gallery with thumbnails

Info tabs in listings

Matching Mobile responsive eBay Product Listing Page Design

Choice of 18 layouts options

Free hosting and access to eSeller Manager listing design management software for 6 months.

Optional extras

Active item revision

If you have a large number of listings and would like us to bulk revise them (add your new design to the listings) we can offer a quote for this – cost depends on the number and complexity of the listings (including number of different layouts and templates already present in the listings)

3rd Party Integrations

Currently using a 3rd party listing application like Linnworks, BrightPearl etc? We can assist you to set up your new listing template in these applications. Please enquire.

Themes are great, but I want a UNIQUE,
CUSTOM design for my business.
Premier eBay Design