eBay – Starter Package Shop home page with a matching item
We will create a custom design for you based on one of the fixed layout options available for this package. Choose your layout from the template options and we will create a customised main banner, change the colour scheme and add your contact information
- We will supply a shop home page with a matching item listing design.
- Additional customisation to the item listing design will include: Multiple Images in listings – design includes a photo gallery area where you can include multiple images without incurring additional charges from eBay
- Customized payment, shipping and other info boxes
- Ask a Question, Tell a Friend and Watch this item links for all listings
- Dynamic Store Category navigation.
Layout options
Store Header Design
Your design includes a customized store header with logo, contact information and search box.
eBay Store Page Links
eBay Store page links will be incorporated into your header design.
Customised Search box
The standard eBay search box will be customized to be highly visible within the header design, to encourage customers to search within your shop rather than return to the eBay search. Customers can search for key words in your Titles and Descriptions.

Dynamic Shop Categories
The custom designed store category list displayed on the left side of the shop and item listing helps to speed up navigation through your store and encourages buyers to remain in your store rather than return to eBay’s general search. These categories are based on the categories you created within your eBay shop setup. Dynamic navigation means that when you add or delete Store Categories in eBay they will automatically appear or disappear from your navigation.
Main Central Banner
Centralised Main Banner will display a customised main banner design
Promotion Boxes
Graphics are included for one or two promotion boxes (depending on the selected layout) which appear in both the shop and item listings. Use them to advertise the things you consider to be important in your business – free shipping, special offers etc.
Mobile Responsive
All of our designs will include full mobile responsive coding to allow you to take advantage of the rapidly increasing number of buyers accessing the internet via mobile devices. These designs make browsing and buying a hassle free experience for mobile users.
Payment Terms
Payment can be split into two (2) equal instalments, subject to agreement.
Additional costs
We do not create designs for you that require that you sign up to indefinite contract periods for unspecified future pricing. Instead we have created a design that you can host on your own server and can manage if you have knowledge of HTML and access to an HTML editor (of which several are freely available).
For those customers who do not have their own hosting or who are not proficient in HTML coding, we offer a monthly subscription-based application to ensure that you get the full benefit of your new designs.
Hosting (optional)
Hosting is necessary, however you are not required to use our service. If you do not have your own provider we can offer this service as part of a subscription or as an annual standalone cost.
eSeller Manager (optional)
We create your design and provide you with the HTML coding we create for you, but many of your design aspects can be self-managed using our eSeller Manager application. With this software you can change banner images, promotion boxes and much more without incurring the cost of using our design services after the initial build.
Subscription to this software is not mandatory but the functionality provided can save a great deal of time as well as money. This application will allow you to manage your designs and make changes that we would ordinarily charge at our standard rate.